Let's be real. Getting family pictures is always stressful.
Making sure everyone has cute outfits, is ready on time, shows up without any stains on their shirts that magically appear in the car ride to the session, and someone is always missing a shoe. The list goes on!
The best part about having your family shoot with me is the fact that if you all show up, it's going to be an easy time.
There are no set poses, no one has to look and smile all at me at the same time. These aren't supposed to be stressful! They are a moment where you can relax, laugh, play, and I am there to watch it all happen, and maybe give some fun games to play while we hang out!
I want you and your kids to look at these pictures in the hallway and remember when you went to the field and laughed for an hour together. Where the kids always got a little too loud, and mom and dad kissed too much and danced around. These are all about where your family is now, all of your personalities meshing together and showing a glimpse of what your life is like when no one is looking. Chaotic, but full of love.
2 Hours
45 Digitals
2 Locations
2 Outfits
Additional Images- $10 Per Image
1 Hour
25 Digitals
1 Location
1 Outfit
Additional Images- $15 Per Image
30 Minutes
15 Digitals
1 Location
1 Outfit
Additional Images- $15 Per Image